Tuesday 27 March 2012

Hello, and welcome to the internet! Of course, if you've stumbled across this you are likely well acquainted with the internet, so welcome instead to my very new blog. I've never tried my hand at blogging before, but quite often I want to share my thoughts on video games, comic books, science fiction and other so-called "geeky" things, but most of my "irl" friends just don't care for them, so here you are internet!

A couple of things I'd like to do on this blog. Weekly comic and television reviews, movie, book and video game reviews, although those will be less often. Sharing things that are cool, be it news or products.  And lastly just speaking about geek culture as it appears to me.

So hopefully a few people will be interested, but if not, it should be fun anyways!

Signing off,


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